Initially debuting during All-Star Weekend, YG’s Reebok Classic Leather collaboration, dubbed the “Blassic” is available now. Serving as a nod to the rapper’s hit single, “Still Brazy”, Reebok actually replaced the word “Classic” with “Blassic” on its premium snakeskin tongue label. Snakeskin makes its way onto the customary midfoot stripe of this selection as well, with a Kevlar ballistic nylon upper. “LOST ANGELES” can be found embroidered onto the heel cap of each sneaker, resembling YG’s home, while the inside of the aforementioned tongue tab carries an NSFW phrase dripped in white. A special “Blassic” Reebok box will house these Classic Leathers and comes fully dressed up in red. Grab a detailed look at the YG collaboration below and head over to retailers like Oneness to pick up a pair today for $140 USD.


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By lyc

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